You probably remember taking physics at school and then promptly forgetting all the formulas you learned and the reasons you might need them. We’re just the same.

However, there are some key physics calculators out there that can help you with some basic and essential physics calculations. Friction, gravity, and acceleration are surprisingly useful when it comes to going green. You can use these calculators to help you work out things like how much force it will take to move that compost can!

So, read on to learn more about these three physics calculators.

1. Friction Calculator

A friction calculator helps you work out the amount of friction between any given object and the surface over which it is traveling. This kind of calculator uses the basic physics principle that the standard force between your object and the ground is proportional to its friction.

Friction calculators can be used to work out both static and kinetic friction, as well as the force of friction.

Static friction relates to the force between an object and ground when that object isn’t moving.

A good way to think about this is when you try to move something heavy that isn’t moving. If you don’t calculate the static friction then it might seem that just a little pull or push should move the heavy item a little bit. In reality, because of friction, it takes a lot of effort to move the heavy box. 

You can calculate kinetic friction on objects that are in motion. The more kinetic friction that exists the more force you need to keep the object moving.

A friction calculator uses the same basic formula for both kinetic and static friction calculations.

2. Gravitational Force Calculator

A gravitational force calculator works out any object’s gravitational force. This kind of physics calculator deals with the force that attracts any two things that have their own mass. So your calculations will tell you the force between any two things.

To use a gravitational force calculator, you need to know a few things first. You will need the mass of your first object, as well as the mass of the second object. This gives you two pieces of mass data to enter into these kinds of physics calculators.

You then have to work out the distance between the two objects you are assessing. Once you have all three pieces of data you can enter them into the gravitational force calculator to get your answer.


3. Acceleration Calculator

An acceleration calculator is a physics calculator designed to help you work out the acceleration of an object using a variety of acceleration formulas.

An acceleration calculator can help you with uniform and non-uniform acceleration problems. You will also be able to calculate average acceleration. This kind of calculator uses data inputs such as starting and finishing speed, average and constant acceleration, force and mass, time, and distance covered during the acceleration. 

Physics Calculators Can Help You!

As you can see, these three physics calculators can help with some of the crucial physics equations you are likely to use. There are hundreds of physics equations and calculations, but these three will give you a good starting point.

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